AAAI 2021 | PHASE: PHysically-grounded Abstract Social Events for Machine Social Perception
📟AAAI 2021 | PHASE: PHysically-grounded Abstract Social Events for Machine Social Perception


  1. A joint physical-social simulation for procedurally generating abstract social event grounded in physical environments.
  1. Using this engine to generate a first-of-its-kind abstract social events dataset.
  1. Proposing two social perception tasks
    1. recognizing goals and relationships of agents
    2. predicting the future trajectories of agents
  1. A benchmark including state-of-the-art methods and a Bayesian inverse planning-based approach.
这篇笔记重点总结第 2 条,即这篇工作如何生成 abstract social events。


Decentralized partially observable Markov decision process, Dec-POMDP.
  • is the set of agents.
  • is a set of states.
  • is the set of joint actions
  • is the transition probability function, i.e. .
  • is the set of joint observations.
  • is the observation probability function, i.e. .
  • is the immediate reward function.
  • is the horizon.
  • is the initial state distribution.


For simplicity, take POMDP as an example.
means in a trajectory , the agents believes how likely the world is being at state in the step , based on his last action and his new observation .
where can be computed through , and is the normalizing factor.


A deterministic policy for agent is a mapping from observation histories to actions, .


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  1. The planner maintains a set of “particles” to approximate the belief of each agent at each step, i.e. .
    1. At each step, they first update particles by simulating one step in the physics engine assuming that other agents will maintain a constant motion.
  1. They use a high-level planner to generate subgoals (immediate goals).
      • Subgoals are represented by predicates.
        • notion image
      • Let be the best subgoal for agent at step on its belief state in particle .
        • Define the value of each subgoal by
          where is a heuristic-based estimation of cost to reach goal state based on belief state defined as the estimated distance that the agent need to travel before reaching the final goal state.
      • Select the most valuable subgoal .
  1. Feed the subset of the particles that yield to the low-level planner, which will search for the best action to reach that subgoal.
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Belief Representation

The state in a particle includes the environment layout, and physical properties of each entity—shape, size, center position, orientation of the body, linear and angular velocity, and attached entites.

Belief Update

  • Each particle is updated with the ground truth properties of observed entities.
  • Unobserved entity:
    • First randomly sampling possible initial positions and setting other properties (orientation and velocity) to 0.
    • To update a belief particle from to , they first apply the physics engine to simulate one step, where they assume constant motion for entities.
    • Then check the consistency based on observation. For entities that contradict the observation, they resample their positions and orientations. Repeat until there is no conflict.
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ICML 2018 | Machine Theory of MindAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2021 | Abstraction and analogy-making in artificial intelligence